A Slack bot to get to know your team mates.

You can get their self-introduction and their helpfulness points.

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Add Intro

You can begin your introduction with key word addIntro and your self-introduction will be added to the database.

addIntro Image

Thank Your Teammates

You can thank your teammates by sayingthank [@someone] in your team channel, your teammates will be notified and its helpfulness score will increase.

addIntro Image

List of Command

addintro [intro Content]
Use this to add your introduction to the database and let people know you better
thank [@someone]
Use this when someone helped you
/introbot getintro [username]
Use this command when you want to see someone's introduction~
/introbot getpoint [username]
You will get your teammates helpfulness score
getpoint [username]
Same as /introbot getpoint [username]You will get your teammates helpfulness score

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